Immaculate Conception

December 8, 2012 10:10 pm

To celebrate birthday – it’s normal in our culture. Because the birth is certainly a moment when someone IS present. And today’s celebration is a feast dedicated to the conception. The beginning of man that is first known only to God. Today, in particular, the beginning of Mary.

Her beginning is special: it’s so full of grace as to take away from her the burden of sin – this fatal inclination that makes our life a struggle and that so often brings ourselves and the others to tears, However, this fullness of grace does not deprive Mary of her humanity. Because she was ‘greatly troubled’ when the Angel came to her, and posed him questions, and later on searched for her Son ‘anxiously” – and told Him about it. So She can accompany us with full understanding of our daily cares, questions, joys and disappointments.

When today we send to heaven our best wishes for Her, we can be sure that no conceived man is ever omitted by the Father of Life. The Word for today says is that ‘He chose us in Him before the creation of the world’ and  ‘in love He predestined us for adoption to sonship’. He chose you, He chose me. And He never called that off. He chose also this little One who was born several days ago with only half of the brain and the nuns from the
Foundation in Wrocław were looking for help for the baby.

In spite of all the circumstances, each beginning is a miracle of infinite love.


till then I wasn't alive, I longed for you like the love sick moon pulls the tide

December 3, 2012 9:52 pm

... but just say the word. (Matthew 8:8)

22 days of Advent. What can we do in such a short time? It is as if we found out that guests were coming and everything’s in a complete mess and the fridge is empty.

So perhaps we should switch off all those things that distract us, all those illusory neons and trinkets that deceive this true hunger for love in us. At first it will get dark but later the light will come. And in this light we’ll see how close He is and we will see all those who are entrusted to us and also hungry for love.

But still we can be late. So we need to give priority to the expected Guest: open ourselves to the grace so that He can prepare a place that is adequate to His desire.

And trust Him. That He’s gonna come. Even if everything in us says that it just won’t work, that He’ll find a better place, that it’s not for me.

It is also His Advent. He’s already waiting.



The Defender of My Dreams

December 1, 2012 9:44 pm

A lot has been written about friendship.

A friend is someone who is there but not in an aggressive way. Someone who gives you the freedom to be yourself.  Someone who believes in you and who supports you when you are successful. Someone who knows your shortcomings and even your great blunders but keeps them to themselves. When you start a sentence, frequently they can finish it for you. But sometimes, when they really care, they can say ‘Maybe you need to think it over’  or ‘You may have exaggerated a little bit.’.

I sit next to my Guardian Angel. Sometimes I wonder whether this might be a friendship for life because all those efforts are rather one-sided. And one-sidedness is not in human nature. Who could bear it!

Then I remember those moments when so much depended on Him. When I was not able to tell anyone what was happening and He was there. In the car, during a conversation He would not say: ‘I’m getting off, I’ve got enough’. He would always say only ‘You’ll be fine. We’ll be fine’. First, second, third, fourth gear. Easy turn. We are fine.

The defender of my dreams and guardian of my sleep.






November 28, 2012 6:13 pm

When I say “I am sorry’

and I do not have to prove that I was indeed in the right,

when I struggle with my limitations to love people just as they deserve it,

and when I accept my limitations where I can’t do anything about them,

– I am also a WINNER.


father's punishing hand

November 17, 2012 10:04 pm

What do I do when you say that all is lost, that you’ve spoilt everything and that nothing makes sense any more?

I wipe your tears. Then I put my hand on your head and I say: My Child, My beautiful and beloved Child.


middle ground

November 14, 2012 2:16 pm
You tell me:
– Being with children is tiring for us.
You are right.
Yo say:
– Because we have to talk down to them, lower ourselves to their concepts.
Stoop, condescend, shrink.
You are wrong.
This is not what is tiring for us. It is that we have to climb to their feelings.
Reach high, stretch ourselves, stand on our toes.
So as not to hurt.

Janusz Korczak When I am small again

mooring the boat

October 26, 2012 11:21 pm

Father Captain returned to his homeland and together with him the boat is mooring in the local landscape of the Harbour.

And yet the Travel Journal contained no too many exotic elements. If I was to tell how our everyday life is related to NaProTechnology and I+YOU=WE, I’d say all the paths come together. If we’ve been created to exist in relationships, only then do we feel happy when our relationships make sense, improve, let us BE more. So we would love this I+YOU to represent a true equation.

NaProTechnology, in turn, enables one to go beyond their illiteracy in the area of the language of the body, to which this world is basically deaf. Creighton Model system questions the wild utlitilitarism which exploits the body and refuses to grant due respect to it.

So ‘”The Harbour,” to which Fr Jay has directed us for the last month, is a good place for the whole human being. For the marriage and the family. A place which helps in the process of civilizing our inner “savage” towards love.

Travel boradens the mind. Thank you, Fr Jay, for taking us with you.


We have a Special Guest

October 16, 2012 7:55 am

We are looking forward to the subsequent parts of Fr Jay’s Travel Journal, but we are going to interrupt that series with a post penned by someone else from the behind the Ocean. I’m honoured to introduce Beatriz Gonzalez. 🙂

I should start from saying “thank You” to the One, who makes our paths meets by most strange “coincidences” – for letting me work together with Beatriz on the translation of Fr Jay’s speech which he was invited to deliver in Madrid, at the World Congress of Families. I did the English part and Beatriz – the Spanish. I discovered I was dealing with a person of a great power of spirit, who had been accompanying couples struglling with problems in the area of fertility.

I admire Beatriz for her struggle for a better tomorrow – for her Near and Dear ones, and for Mexico. And not only that: in her heart and dreams she reaches out further and for more.

Beatriz will tell about how NaProTechnology has developed in Latin American countries. And we hope that it is not her first and last time in the Harbour – and that after this introduction of hers, she will find the opportunity to share with us the springs of her love, strength and enthusiasm.



September 26, 2012 7:03 pm

Sometimes, my Lord, the silence is so intense that even the kitchen clock fades away and all I can hear is my own heartbeat. So much is happening, and You remain so silent. But it’s not the silence of resent or indifference. This silence is Your calmness, Your peace, the unchangeable pace of your heart. When my own heart is trying to deal with all that went out of control, surprised me or turned out otherwise than expected – in human understanding, even failed – Your heart is not surprised at all. It loves and always hopes, preserves and protects.

Also today, you are ahead of me. Where I am now – you’ve already been. And you come back to accompany me, to pick me up. You can see what’s to come just round the corner. And you convince me to rely on You, and adjust my wild pulse to the peace of Your heart.
