mooring the boat

October 26, 2012 11:21 pm

Father Captain returned to his homeland and together with him the boat is mooring in the local landscape of the Harbour.

And yet the Travel Journal contained no too many exotic elements. If I was to tell how our everyday life is related to NaProTechnology and I+YOU=WE, I’d say all the paths come together. If we’ve been created to exist in relationships, only then do we feel happy when our relationships make sense, improve, let us BE more. So we would love this I+YOU to represent a true equation.

NaProTechnology, in turn, enables one to go beyond their illiteracy in the area of the language of the body, to which this world is basically deaf. Creighton Model system questions the wild utlitilitarism which exploits the body and refuses to grant due respect to it.

So ‘”The Harbour,” to which Fr Jay has directed us for the last month, is a good place for the whole human being. For the marriage and the family. A place which helps in the process of civilizing our inner “savage” towards love.

Travel boradens the mind. Thank you, Fr Jay, for taking us with you.


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