
September 26, 2012 7:03 pm

Sometimes, my Lord, the silence is so intense that even the kitchen clock fades away and all I can hear is my own heartbeat. So much is happening, and You remain so silent. But it’s not the silence of resent or indifference. This silence is Your calmness, Your peace, the unchangeable pace of your heart. When my own heart is trying to deal with all that went out of control, surprised me or turned out otherwise than expected – in human understanding, even failed – Your heart is not surprised at all. It loves and always hopes, preserves and protects.

Also today, you are ahead of me. Where I am now – you’ve already been. And you come back to accompany me, to pick me up. You can see what’s to come just round the corner. And you convince me to rely on You, and adjust my wild pulse to the peace of Your heart.


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