He spoke with authority.

August 31, 2021 3:00 am

“Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee. He taught them on the sabbath, and they were astonished at his teaching because he spoke with authority.” (LK 4: 31-32)

Our Lord’s authority comes from being “the Holy One of God.” He came to bring hope, to remind us of our destination, our dignity, and what purpose we have in our lives. We are loved, created with love, and to be love. Whatever we do in our lives should lead us to this very identity.

“A great prophet has arisen in our midst, and God has visited his people.” (Gospel Acclamation)

According to his custom.

August 30, 2021 3:00 am

“Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the sabbath day.” (LK 4: 16)

We remember the saying: “serva regula, regula te servabit”—keep, save the rule, and the rule will keep, save you. It is good to have customs, some rules, and rituals. When we obey the rules, they will protect moments of our worse days, difficult moments, and times when everything looks impossible. Our rituals will protect our relationship from the heard time.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor.” (Gospel Acclamation)

The additional five.

August 28, 2021 3:00 am

“The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the additional five. He said, ‘Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.’” (MT 25: 20)

Our lives are about bringing value to others. We are serving and sharing with others our talents. The more we received, the more we serve. God used this way to keep us connected, supporting each other and making a community of persons, preparing us to live in heaven.

“I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.

August 27, 2021 3:00 am

“The Kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.” (MT 25: 1-2)

Foolish and wise—an option or nature? If nature, how we can expect good strategies if option—there is a reason to expect better lives. Our Lord respects who we are and never expects things over our measure. Bringing fruits comes from our identity.

“Be vigilant at all times and pray, that you may have the strength to stand before the Son of Man.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Outside you appear righteous.

August 25, 2021 3:00 am

“You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth. Even so, on the outside, you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing.” (MT 23: 27)

Our Lord speaks about integrity. If we recognize our identity correctly, we live our lives based on who we are, outside and inside. Outside speaks about the inside, our actions show our identity, and we live lives serving others and loving each other.

“Whoever keeps the word of Christ, the love of God is truly perfected in him.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Outside you appear righteous.

August 25, 2021 3:00 am

“You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth. Even so, on the outside, you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing.” (MT 23: 27)

Our Lord speaks about integrity. If we recognize our identity correctly, we live our lives based on who we are, outside and inside. Outside speaks about the inside, our actions show our identity, and we live lives serving others and loving each other.

“Whoever keeps the word of Christ, the love of God is truly perfected in him.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Come and see.

August 24, 2021 3:00 am

“But Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.’” (JN 1: 46)

We see totally different strategy: “come and see.” I am not the one who will lead you, and I will bring you to the One, Who knows everything about you and knows perfectly how to love you and lead you to heaven.

“Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” (Gospel Acclamation)

To make one convert.

August 23, 2021 3:00 am

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You traverse sea and land to make one convert, and when that happens, you make him a child of Gehenna twice as much as yourselves.” (MT 23: 15)

Every person is created by loving God, and every person is called to be for eternity with God. People of all colors, destinations, religions, and cultures. Sometimes we believe that only our way to God is the only one, and instead of being an example for them how to love God, we assume to have the right to lead because we know better.

“My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me.” (Gospel Acclamation)

The words are Spirit and life.

August 22, 2021 3:00 am

“It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.” (JN 6: 63)

We know the importance of words. We know how important they are in our relationship, how they can comfort, unite and give strength. We also know the opposite. The more we are connected with God’s words, the more life and Spirit we have.

“Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

August 21, 2021 3:00 am

“The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (MT 23: 11-12)

Humble persons see their limits and recognize when the ego is providing. A humble person knows how to surrender everything to God and gives Our Lord the right to lead. A humble person is safe because instead of ego, “the Christ is one master.”

“You have but one Father in heaven; you have but one master, the Christ.” (Gospel Acclamation)