Happy Families – Healthy Economy

May 17, 2013 12:31 am

The local Committee has chosen a rather symbolic place for our Congress:  Australian Technology Park, the former railway yards. The place that used to promote technology, today hosts the event promoting family as the right point of reference.

One of the speakers today said: If you would like to go fast, go alone, if you would like go far, go together. I liked it a lot. The family is a place where you can go furthest. Contemporary civilization would like to turn us into isolated individuals fighting over their own selfish rights. For an individual – it is easy to accomplish the goals very quickly, but you remain single. When you walk together with the others – maybe it will take more time to achieve all the goals, because you have to adjust your pace to the slowest member of the team, but you may go far and share the joy of the covered distance with other people.

That is visible also in my situation. I’ve seen so many beautiful things, I’ve been to so many wonderful places, but it makes you feel really sad when you can’t take there with you your near ones, your friends – with whom you could share your joy. That’s why it is so important for me to share  my experiences with you. I am aware that since I have dominated the blog for over 6 weeks, we have diverged a bit from what this website was trying to be: the inspiration for discovering the joy of being a couple, a family. So I’m taking the right course again with my posts from the WCF.

One of the questions that people keep asking is: what can we do in such difficult times?The family is ipersecuted with growing intensity, the governments of many countries change the definition of a family, where should we hide to escape that? We’ll find the answer with the first Christians. At that time, the situation was about the same as now: abortion, divorce at request, promiscuity, homosexualism, pagan worship of false gods, idolatry. What did the Christians do when they were persecuted for several centuries? They looked after their families: they were faithful to each other, open to life, they prayed. Rome fell. Christianity survived.

A day rich in impressions.

See you tomorrow,

Fr. Jay


instead of on-line streaming

May 16, 2013 6:27 pm

We wanted so much to write here yesterday that we all could become part of the World Congress of Families audience in Sydney via live broadcasting, but – unlike in Madrid last year –  it is not possible this time. This morning Fr Jay was scheduled to give a talk during the session devoted to the family in the context of work. We hope to be able to hear his talk – “Work-Life Balance: Preserving Dignity, Protecting Family”- in post-conference materials.

Before we get the sign of life from our Fr Jay, whom we proudly count among the Invited Speakers, we would like to present you with some highlights from his talk – which may be important for us all in our thinking about work. And we attach a photo memorizing his preparations for the Congress.

“The need for purposeful activity was written in human heart by God, the first Creator and Artist, who rejoiced each time He looked at the effects of His work.”

“At work you may learn to cooperate, share responsibility, and handle conflict – and all those skills will become your personal asset outside work as well.”

“Sometimes it’s necessary to pose a simple question: “Do we really need this or that item?’ – and give an honest answer, instead of fostering the belief that ‘I have no choice but to slave away day and night at the cost of everything else in order to afford all that’.”

“When you don’t schedule taking care of your relationship into your weekly planner, your marriage will die, and it’s just a matter of time.”

“Someone else may replace you at work, but no one will replace you in taking care of your family’s needs. If you make them happy, you’ll be the happiest person in the world, too.”

work-life balance in practice

7th World Congress of Families

May 15, 2013 2:43 pm

The journey passed by very quickly. We arrived 50 minutes earlier than planned. We had to wait on the airstrip for the place in the gate. For the first time in my life I was third in the queue to the Immigration. My customs declaration was accepted and at 9:50 I began my stay in Sydney.

I reached the hotel half an hour later and experienced the same feeling as in Amsterdam and Madrid – the sensation of being part of the worldwide family of pro-family movement. I meet my “old” friends in the hall. I see Mary-Louise Fowler, the Chairperson of WCF Sydney Local Organizing Committee. She looks exhausted. The upcoming events have been prepared by the Australians with great effort. Then the hall is filled with the members of the Planning Committtee. It’s almost all of us who met in Madrid last year to plan the Congress in Sydney. Now we look at the progress of preparations of the Moscow Congress in 2014. Its topic will be: Large Families – the Future of Humanity. But the issues to discuss include the organization itself. We exchange experience and commnets.

Just as last year, I’m greatly impressed how many people in the world care for the family. So many religious denominations and cultures, from so many countries and continents. God created marriage and family and those who believe in Him also believe in the key role of the family.

Today we have our first informal meetings. Tomorrow –  the opening ceremony.

From the World Congress of Families in Syndey

Fr. Jay


May 11, 2013 8:16 pm


I am starting off with my borrowed car, with the steering wheel on the right-hand side. It is helpful that all cars are like that. But I feel strange. Attention at the right side, they have priority, also on the roundabouts, Speed in cities – 5o km/h, outside the city – 100 km/h unless indicated otherwise. First motorway 1, then 2 and then main road 27. I left Aucklad in rain but the sun soon began to shine, like it should during the holidays. The destination is Hobbition in the Matamata region. I park in th e city centre and leave for an almost 3 hours’ guided trip.

We leave with the bus at 11.45, only to change for the next one about half an hour later – we go to the farm of Alexander brothers, where Hobbiton was built – first for the Lord of the Rings and then for the Hobbit.

It’s here that Peter Jackson in Septermebr 1998 found a place that ideally fit the vision of Middle Earth as described by Tolkien: hills, lake and the party tree. In March 1999 the army of New Zealdn came to this place to prepare it for the arrival of the film crew of 400 people. Roads, technical infrastructure andbuildings were needed. It took them 9 months. In December 1999 filming began that took 3 months.

It is really a giant undertaking. I take a lot of pictures but I know that they will not do justice to reality. When I look at the houses, I remember the scenes from the film. This is where the journey began, up there Sam met his daughter who ran to meet him, down here Gandalf travelled with his trolley, it’s here that Bilbo spoke on his birthday and disappeared.

The guide poses some theological questions. I make a short speech to the group who listen attentively. I remind them that Tolkien was an ardent Catholic. Let them know how much they owe to the Catholic church.

It’s time to go back. But it was worth having a look. To be continued. Now I move southwards. where a big cmmunity of native inhabitants of New Zealand, Maoris, live.

So long
Father Jarosław


The window to the world

May 9, 2013 2:32 pm

My stay in New Zealand begins with a small acclimatiziation. Last night, even though I was awaked by a cloudburst, I tried not to get entirely out of sleep and I kept trying to get back to it, explaining to myself that here I am on holiday and I should get some rest.  It’s the first morning in many weeks when I don’t need to be in a hurry.

Today – the highlight is my youngest Sister’s Birthday. Round anniversary, so even more special. Today I’m also going to have my cassock cleaned – it got a bit worn-out from travelling. I should also buy some warm clothes, because I didn’t manage to pack my suitcase for all seasons of the year. And here it’s November-like weather. When I was leaving Poland, the snow on the Warsaw pavements stayed behind. I landed in the middle of hot summer in between, and now it’s already autumn. Time passes by so quickly. I only must have lost the spring somewhere on the way. 🙁

But the first objective of today was to visit Lord Jesus present in Eucharist. Today, as on every Thursday, in one of the local parishes there is the exposition of the Holy Sacrament. So we turn up for adoration.


The church on the top of the hill has in it a window located right behind the altar. From that window you’ve got the view of the whole vicinity.

It’s the first time I’ve seen such an idea for the chancel design. You have to look at the world outside through the Altar and Lord Jeusus. As if He didn’t want to stop our sight just on Himself, but invited us to see the world through His eyes. The Church is not the place of flight from the “bad” world, but the place where we learn to see the world from the right perspective.

I liked it here a lot. I was happy to stay here and adore the Holy Sacrament. I didn’t feel like leaving this place.

For tomorrow I’ve scheduled a day of prayer and reflection. Until the evening, because then I’ll celebrate the Mass and give a talk to the local Polish community. But before that, I want to spend some time face to face with Lord Jesus. I need it after so many meetings with people. I need to tell Him about all that happened. And this possibility of seeing the world through the Lord – inspired me greatly.

Remembering you always,

ks. Jarosław

The end of the world…

May 8, 2013 7:00 pm

… or its beginning.

I’ve seen the Southern cross today. The real one! Truly, it was only for a while because then the clouds came again. But I’ve seen it. It’s real. Now the sky is sully covered with clouds again. It was as if I had been meant to see the proof that I’d reached the South.

I experienced a sort of shock because when finally we started landing in Auckland and went below the cloud level, beautiful sun changed into pouring rain.

The luggage I collected was wet. And getting into the car of Jacek, my roommate from the school years in Warsaw, living in New Zealand for 24 years, was also in jets of rain. The journey from the airport was like travelling through rainy Warsaw so I felt like home at least for a while, meaning: almost all the time in a jam. Well, not quite like home because here you always always drive the wrong side of the road. We arrived home after dusk. A typical autumn day – because here it’s mid-autumn now. And it doesn’t look like the weather’s going to change much. Who’s coming to New Zealand at this time of the year? Perhaps people from the Sahara?

Anyway, I’ve landed and gone through VERY scrupulous examinations whether I wanted to transport dangerous articles. In the customs declaration you have to declare everything, even running shoes. Paper control happens three times, and then follows searching through the luggage. In my case it was enough to put the luggage into the scanner. The penalties are enormous, so when in doubt it’s always better to note something down instead of risking. I am looking at people who have their luggage searched. The Customs Officers simply go through everything and if they find any food, they take it away. I am informimg you because when I read sites on New Zealand, i’ve never found anything of this kind on the fora. Neither did I know that I was supposed to fill in customs declaration to Australia twioce, when I was enetering and when I was leaving. They really treat it seriously.

Tomorrow there’s a free day. It’s time to give my cassock to the laundry (because it’s much worn because of all these travels) and to visit the Holy Sacrament. J

The first trip is only on Saturday, I am collecting my car tomorrow.

The good news is that I can tell you the fortune. I am 10 hours ahead of you. Here it’s midnight. I’m going to bed.

See you tomorrow

from Auckland in New Zealand

Father Jaroslaw

Meeting with NaPro people

May 7, 2013 8:54 pm

I certainly had to meet people whom I got to know, for the most part, in Omaha at EP 1 or EP 2 or Love&Life Unlimited Conference. 16 people came to the meeting and this was an opportunity to get to know each other, share experiences and make a short speech.

In the second part of the meeting we were joined by Bishop Carlos Briseno, bishop suffragan of the diocese of Mexico, reponsible for Vicario Episcopal, II Vicaria. In this administractive district pf Mexico 1.5 million people live and 250 are there to help.

Bishop Briseno is a great support for the development of NaProTechnology. His Bishop’s House has become a place for meetings and discussion. That’s why he’s invited us again for the meeting.

During this meeting and the following one, in a smaller group. I was able to present the assumptions of our Programmes. The Bishop liked very much the idea of permanent training for married couples and he decided to visit us during our TU+YO=NOSOTROS what you could read about in the entry after the Programme.

With my prayers,

Padre Jota

Destination: New Zealand

May 6, 2013 6:40 pm

Today I will have the longest flight in my life. Even though I shall have changes, I will spend 24 hours in the air : Mexico to Los Angeles (5h), then to Sydney (15h) and finally to Auckland in New Zealand (4h).

Although I feel tired after this intensive stay in Mexico, I am very happy. I have never been that far away and I have never flown for so long. Because of time zones I lose one day: I fly on Monday but will arrive only on Wednesday. Now I am 7h behind you, as from Wednesday I will be 10 h ahead of you.

See you on Wednesday, if God allows it. I am leaving some entries and pictures from Mexico so that you can have some fun until the next meeting on-line.

With my prayers,
“Padre Jota” – for the last moments



May 6, 2013 2:06 pm

I’m surprised almost all the participants arrive on time. Both Sunday thematic parts – “Dialogue and Communication” and “Sealing the Gift of Intimacy” – quickly go by. In the meantime,we decide to move the meal till after the Mass, thanks to which I have time to pray over each couple individually. Unfortunately we are not able to do that for all.

I celebrated the Mass together with Padre Cristobal, that is Father Krzysztof, a Polish missionary, who has worked in Mexico for the last 20 years. We got to know each other at the meeting with Bishop Carlos Briseno Arch, who  wanted me to help Padre Cristobal get acquainted with the Programs. So he has been with us for the whole Saturday and Sunday. It was thanks to him that we managed to meet another Polish priest here, Fr Tomasz from the Aptostolic Nunciature.

After the Holy Mass with the renewal of marriage vows we returned to have a meal, during which we were visited by Bp Briseno. He took part in the final session of sharing testimonies and he was really encouraged on hearing the participants’ feedback.  He sees a great need for pastoral work with families.

It was so difficult to say goodbye… A couple of pictures more, and we all have to go to our destinations.

Thank you for your prayers,

Padre Jota

Renewal of Marriago Vows

odnowienie przyrzeczeń

odnowienie 2

Part of the couples taking part in the Program in Mexico City

część uczestników

 Mexico City Coach Couples:

Trenerzy Mexico

Program 1 in Mexico City: ready, steady, go

May 5, 2013 12:33 pm

Evetually, 14 couples turn up at the Program. They’ve been married for 7 to 30 years. They came here, because they were invited by Beatriz and Pepe. Only 4 people had met me before in Omaha, so definitely the presence of so many people here may be owed only to te trust they had for the organizers. They heard no direct testimony from others. I talk to some of them before the beginning of our retreat and I’m impressed with their knowledge of English and the openness to take part in something entirely new.

The standards of organization goes beyond all imagination. Even Wrocław [the Family Support Foundation’s divsion in South-West Poland – comment from the translator] will have to work hard before they catch up with Mexico. I will not describe all the details, as you can see much on the photos (you know, such small things as the waiters wearing professional uniforms, tables in the garden, candles, beautiful sun and warm weather, etc). I’m not sure if we don’t have to organize a delegation to hold an on-site visit and examine the quality of preparations – some serious group from Wrocław or some other Foundtion’s associates? 🙂

I’ve been learning that the pace of life is different here, and so is the noton of “punctuality”. But they say the more south you go, the more interesting it becomes…

The lectures are welcomed with more than enthusiasm. After all, this is Latinamerica. People are passionate about things. And those comments: “Padre, this is amazing that the Program was created in Poland, but it describes exactly our own reality.”

The day is coming to an end. When I’m writing this post, the Coach Couples are holding Workshop 4 and in a moment all participants will start the last part scheduled for today – Individual Couple Dialogue combined with a romantic dinner: with candles, good wine and wonderful music. That seems to be possible only in Mexico. So far. People are waiting in Brasil and Columbia, too. 🙂

With prayer,

Padre Jota

Individual Couple Dialogue

godzina małżeńska 1

godzina małżeńska 2

Romantic Dinner:przygotowaniaroamntic dinner 1roamntic dinner 2owocenapojeMen in Black