What's enough for children?

May 18, 2012 7:00 am

„…show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” (John 14:8)

These words often come to my mind when I reflect on the relationship with our children. They are linked with the thought expressed by Blessed John Paul II: “parental love is called to become for the children the visible sign of the very love of God”. I can “hear” those words expressed by our four kids, as in this short and simple sentence my desire to show them the Father meets their profound need of expreiencing love.

I’d like to show the Father’s love to the children – so that they can see it, hear it, feel it – through my own behaviour, words, the way I address them. I’d like to know how to channel some portion of His tenderness, His unusual patience, His joy arising from the fact that they merely are there. I’d like to give them the sense of His availability, unswearving love always offering new chances, His respect for human freedom… But also to fight for their true good. So to say “no”, set limits, have difficult conversations about mistakes.

I don’t think children remember the brand of clothes they were wearing, or how expensive their toys were. But I’m sure they remember the love they’ve been given.


* Familiaris consortio 14


May 17, 2012 10:42 am

“You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. ” (John 16:20)

The whole world is running, putting a huge effort and resources in looking for entertainment, adrenaline, joke – but in fact, it does not cease to be sad.

Jesus knows this and grants us joy. The joy of which He is the source. The closer we stay to Him, the easier it is to survive the sorrows of everyday life and find the strength to overcome new ones. The closer we get to Him, the easier it is to show this joy to the others, for example by a sincere smile.

So: smile! 🙂


a bit about friendship

May 13, 2012 10:24 pm

“I no longer call you servants … Instead, I have called you friends.”

(John 15:15)

He knows you, He knows you by your name (John 10:3). He’s found you worthy of His friendship and trust, and He gives you His time and attention – as once He gave His life away for you.

You’ll get to know Him by sharing your life with Him. As it happens in true friendship – you’ll get to know Him in need.


beauty treatment

May 9, 2012 9:09 am

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”  (John 15:2)

Jesus won’t give up on us so easily, we cost Him too much.* He wants us to grow, to develop, to transform our thinking. That’s why He demands from us. Every “cutting” and “pruning” hurts (as when you visit your dentist). After such treatment, however, we are more beautiful and mature.

* Padre Pio used to say that.


the happy

May 6, 2012 6:22 am

“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you. . . They rejoice in Thy name all day long” (Psalm 89:15-16)

Happy are those who can rejoice! So it’s not true that our sense of happiness depends only on external circumstances, it comes and goes unexpectedly. It’s more the question of the inner capacity – a skill that you can learn. For example from little children, who are experts in the field of joy, they never worry in advance and forget very quickly the reason for tears they shed. I have to admit that learning to enjoy things is my favourite area of self-mastery.

Sometimes you need to help yourself to see the bright side of life (go on a date with your husband, meet friends, take a walk, have some good coffee, read a good book, watch a film…). In one word: do something that makes you happy.

And that’s what I’d like to wish all the Readers for this Sunday. In plenty.


text message for today

May 5, 2012 10:04 am
“When the Gentiles heard that, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed”  Acts 13:48
Through the Baptism we were appointed for eternal life. Isn’t that a great reason for joy?
And maybe you remember the date of your Baptism anniversary? It was a very special day.

Have courage!

April 14, 2012 8:05 am

“For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20)

In the beginning, the Apostles were not able to accept the testiomny of the others, they couldn’t believe it – until they really met Jesus after His resurrection.

And then they couldn’t refrain from speaking about it.

Today, when the pace of life is crazy, and we are told to observe proprieties and to follow changing fashions, we feel awkward about admitting to our faith and speaking openly about it. We find it difficult to share the experience of what God does for us in our lives. And many people would believe in Him, if we were able to talk about Him openly.

That’s why I encourage you to make that step! Maybe at home, maybe at work, maybe at the grocer’s, and maybe here, in this blog, in the “comments” section?

Feel invited!


reasons for joy

April 12, 2012 6:00 am

Do not be afraid!” (Matthew 28:10)

“Peace be with you.” (Luke 24:36)

So I don’t have to be afraid of anything anymore! I may live in the peace brought by the Risen Lord!  He delivers me from all my fears!

I don’t have to worry myself Sick, because if the Lord has truly risen , sooner or later everything will be all right! *

If He has conquered the darkness, He’ll help me conquer mine.

If He has removed the sin away, He’ll help me get freedom from mine.

If He is alive, I’ll never be lonely.

If He destroyed death, I will not die either but I will live forever.

In those thoughts I find reasons for joy!

* “I can make all things well; I will make all things well . . . And you will see yourself that everything will be all right.”  (Jesus to Julian of Norwich)


conversation on the way

April 11, 2012 11:51 am

“…two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. . . . As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them” (Luke 24:13.15)

I’ve always imagined the road to Emmaus was long enough to have a serious conversation – when no one’s in a hurry and nothing disturbs you, Seven miles on foot. One of my favorite readings after the Easter Sunday.

They are all so moving, all the descriptions of meetings with the Risen Christ. He lets the people – who have just been through the tragedy of his capture and execution – freely express their pain. He lets Mary Magdalene weep, the disciples walking to Emmaus – describe their disappointment; He even lets Thomas not believe and touch His wounds.

My Lord does not expect political correctness form me. Because how can you build a true relationship on pretending; pretending results in a sense of distance and alienation.

So I can always set off on the way to Emmaus. I can tell my story, explain my disappointment with the language of my own heart. And hear Him asking: “Wait, did you forget what I told you last time? Nothing has changed, you can still trust Me”. And to listen to His version of my story, especially when I start to suffer from amnesia. And when the day is almost over, let Him share bread with me – on another mile of our common history.


Lucky woman

April 10, 2012 5:00 am

“I have seen the Lord” (John 20:18)
When Mary Magdalene, the first to have come to the tomb, saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance – she didn’t understand the sign.

Later she saw two Angels in the tomb – and still she did not understand.

She saw Jesus talking to her – and she didn’t recognize Him.

But Jesus didn’t give up. He stayed by her, calling her by the name and giving as many signs as she needed not to doubt.

What’s interesting in this event is that she was persistently coming back to the tomb. She was looking for the Lord and asking everybody about Him. She wept. She missed Him.

Encouraged by this story, I know that it’s essential for me to meet the Risen Christ personally. He is present in sacraments. He gives me the signs of His presence in various ways and through various people. I may always meet Him, if only I desire and seek to meet Him. He’s seeking for me all the time – so that I wouldn’t fail to meet and recognize Him.
