Have courage!

April 14, 2012 8:05 am

“For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20)

In the beginning, the Apostles were not able to accept the testiomny of the others, they couldn’t believe it – until they really met Jesus after His resurrection.

And then they couldn’t refrain from speaking about it.

Today, when the pace of life is crazy, and we are told to observe proprieties and to follow changing fashions, we feel awkward about admitting to our faith and speaking openly about it. We find it difficult to share the experience of what God does for us in our lives. And many people would believe in Him, if we were able to talk about Him openly.

That’s why I encourage you to make that step! Maybe at home, maybe at work, maybe at the grocer’s, and maybe here, in this blog, in the “comments” section?

Feel invited!


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