Lucky woman

April 10, 2012 5:00 am

“I have seen the Lord” (John 20:18)
When Mary Magdalene, the first to have come to the tomb, saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance – she didn’t understand the sign.

Later she saw two Angels in the tomb – and still she did not understand.

She saw Jesus talking to her – and she didn’t recognize Him.

But Jesus didn’t give up. He stayed by her, calling her by the name and giving as many signs as she needed not to doubt.

What’s interesting in this event is that she was persistently coming back to the tomb. She was looking for the Lord and asking everybody about Him. She wept. She missed Him.

Encouraged by this story, I know that it’s essential for me to meet the Risen Christ personally. He is present in sacraments. He gives me the signs of His presence in various ways and through various people. I may always meet Him, if only I desire and seek to meet Him. He’s seeking for me all the time – so that I wouldn’t fail to meet and recognize Him.



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