The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert.

February 21, 2021 3:00 am

“The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him.” (MK 1: 12-13)

The ancient fathers, called Desert Fathers, didn’t escape from the cities to have more quiet lives, but to meet Satan, who lives in deserted places, fight with him and keep him busy and not allowed him to come to the sites occupied by people. They were imitating Our Lord’s mission and following the example of Jesus’ life of poverty, service, and self-denial. It is also natural that spouses and parents can protect their relatives from temptation experiencing some difficulties, not because of themselves, but to protect their loved ones.

“One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” (Verse before the Gospel)

Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak