The Father himself loves you

May 23, 2020 6:16 am

“For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have come to believe that I came from God. I came from the Father and have come into the world. Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.” (JN 16: 27-28)

Everything in Our Lord’s life was and is about Father. He is the only One (to say nothing about the Holy Spirit) Who knows Him perfectly, Who knows how much He loves us, how important we are for Him, and how much we are missed in heaven. Our Lord’s mission was to tell us about God the Father and that “the Father himself loves us.”

“I came from the Father and have come into the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak