Love letters

January 29, 2014 9:19 am

“…hear the word” (Mk 4:20)

Daily word. Daily food. A daily love-letter from Him. A manual, an instruction, orientation, word-of-support or just a sign from Him – I love You, I am close to You, I am Your Protector, Savior, Redeemer… If You look at the litanies, you will be amazed how many names He has to express His love to us.

“Hear the word”. One word daily. One minute from your busy schedule to listen to Him, to His word.

When I started to listen to Him as the first thing in my day, I found how it changed my world. You listen differently to the news, to your family, friends and co-workers. You listen to the message, not to the words. You hear the word.

“The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live for ever”. (Alleluia versus)


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Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak