
November 30, 2012 6:17 pm

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4,19)

I used to think that these words were addressed solely to young people who take their important life choices and find their vocation to consecrated life. But is that really so? I have also decided to follow him.

I was surprised when I discovered,, as a young wife, how much this urge to follow Jesus influenced my marriage.

I was also surprised when I discovered, as a young mother, how much my will and our will as parents to follow Jesus influenced our relations with children. How much the faithfulness in this decision helped us in this difficult process.

I never stop marvelling at how demanding it is in professional life and also – how often it s put to the test. How often it is assessed and checked. How often the temptation comes to just quit and hide.

I do not know whether my following Jesus has brought about a big catch. Not really, but I would like it to be a clear testimony.

And I wish you the same!


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