Clothed with power from on high

May 21, 2012 1:41 pm

One of our regular Readers told me that Fr. Jay’s posts are the least “pious,” so today this is going to be a bit more pious for a change 😉

Yesterday we all celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. I’ve always associated this feast with the words of Lord Jesus saying it is good for us that He is going away, because we will be given “another Comforter” (John 14:16). So we’re entering the special time of vigil, of awaiting.

Who am I waiting for? Under which name – from so many of names of His – will He come to me? What is my waiting like?

And I’m praying for you, my Dear Ones from the Harbour, so that you can get His power anew – the power which will manifest itself in your marriages and families, in your struggle with your weaknesses and fears.

So let’s raise our heads, we’re clothed in the arnour to fight for our marriages and families. Let’s open our hearts to His power. All we need is to let Him act within us, as He did in His Apostles and saints. Si isti, cur non ego? If they could do it, why not me?

Fr. Jay

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