cheer up!

November 29, 2012 6:15 pm

When we give vent to our imagination, a fragment the Gospel for today can really frighten us. It is the description of things to happen shortly before Jesus’ second coming (Luke 21, 20-28). It’s so good that we’ve been warned! It’s so much easier to face up to difficult things when we can prepare for them beforehand. It’s a little bit like preparing for the marathon:) It’s necessary.

Jesus doesn’t want us to be helpless in fear. So we’ve received the guidelines:

‘.. stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near’.

We can start today, practising standing up and lifting our heads, with optimism and hope for the good that awaits us- and especially when we experience fear and oppression, when reality seems unbearable. We can always look ‘up’ – up there there’s always consolation and peace.


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