Ash Wednesday – believe in Love

February 13, 2013 7:37 pm

Today is the beginning of the Lent. This is a very special time, a time of grace. I read with a new sensitivity the Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent.

In the light of what happened on Monday I read his words a bit like a testament because quite soon he will stop preaching as the Pope.

The whole Message is wonderful. It is worth reading carefully. Let me share with you two sentences from it:

Christians are people who have been conquered by Christ’s love and accordingly, under the influence of that love – – they are profoundly open to loving their neighbour in concrete ways (cf. ibid., 33). [nr 1]

Everything begins from the humble acceptance of faith (“knowing that one is loved by God”), but has to arrive at the truth of charity (“knowing how to love God and neighbour”), which remains for ever, as the fulfilment of all the virtues (cf. 1 Cor 13:13). [nr 4]

We can say in concise terms that what we need to is to “believe Love”  (1 J 4, 16).  This is the programme for the Lent. For each of us it means different things, different efforts and a different point of departure… The point of arrival is common to all of us.

See you on the way.

I remember you all and pray for you.

Father  Jarosław

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