All of them wanted

August 16, 2013 10:22 am

Several days ago I saw the words in an old issue of a Polish Catholic weekly: “Take this baby and nurse him for me”, taken from the story of the little Moses, found among the reeds.

The last week at the Harbour was devoted to FertilityCare – taking care of those who fight for their parenthood against complex medical problems. At the other extreme there are children awaited by nobody, the ones that are seen as a burden or whose birth is hanging by a single thread. I think about them when I read those words. In Exodus they are uttered by the pharaoh’s wife but what would happen if we saw in them the desire of God Himself? “Nurse them for me”? For the Father who walks the different paths of life and collects all those abandoned, defective, unwanted? No, we should say: the Father who is the source of life of each and everyone and existence has its deepest and unique sense in Him only.

He is also the Father of children whose parents overestimate their role. Then the children become “mine”, “own”, “planned”. We worry to death about them and agonise about their future, including the defence of M.Sc. thesis, of the Ph. D. thesis or possibly even further. And then “nurse him for me” brings the parental omnipotence back down to its natural, limited dimensions.

Children. Born for eternity. Born with the desire to meet Love that has called them to life. Like each of us.


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