Viva Christo Re!

November 25, 2012 12:01 pm
This is His day, His holy day, glory be to Him. That is how I reacted to the best wishes of perople who greeted the running priest.  Viva Christo Re!

The marathon is completed, and this with the result of my life. I do not know yet precisely, what the time was because just before the start my watch let me down and refused to operate. I know that the gross result was 4:14. The tail of the marathon where I found my proper place had to wait for a while before the time was measured.

The strategy was as follows: I start with those who ran 4:30 and than after a while I leave them and run at my own pace. Then I catch those who aim at 4:15 and I run to the finishing line. That’s what I did. I caught them before the half-way point and since I enjoyed running, I went on going at my own pace. The idea was that if I hit the wall, I could always come back to them. And I was right. Though I finished before them, I owe it to their pace makers that in spite of weakness I worked myself up and kept the pace.

I understand now St. Paul even better when he writes that he’d finished the race and kept the faith. Because at the merathon it is often like that that – at the end the only thing that’s left is faith and motivation. I offered my run in this marathon especially for the families – for all the communities, although particularly for the newest ones, and for all the families I work with – especially those who experience the greatest difficulties. Maybe that’s why it was so hard in the final part of the race.

Marathon is something special. This is a big challenge, an opportunity to face up to a real weakness when all that’s left is the will to fight while the body says “Enough”. On many, exceptionally many occasions I saw other runners who gave up or, worse still, were taken by ambulances. This shows that it is s true challenge. We know very well what’s happened with our runner at the half-marathon on the Uznam Island. I am proud of him because he didn;t give up and he keeps on training.

Next year we’ll fight again. And now we’re going to celebrate.

Fr Jay

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