
May 24, 2014 11:51 am

“A Macedonian stood before him and implored him with these words, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ When he had seen the vision, we sought passage to Macedonia at once, concluding that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to them.” (Acts 16: 9-10)

Expanding our imagination. The world seen from our perspective could be so small: my neighborhood, my city, my family, my friends. And everything is safe because I call it “mine.” God’s perspective is wider: He sees people in need, where we can’t see them. Who of us, a few years ago or even a year ago had any idea where we will be this May? Our life, our daily routine is important; it gives us security, makes the world predictable. God’s world is bigger, full of challenges and …unpredictable. Following God’s will means listening carefully, double checking if it is really His will, expecting unexpected changes, being on the move, travelling “from city to city” – and following Him.

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Alleluia versus).


May 23, 2014 11:47 am

“I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.” (J 15:15)

Friendship by sharing the word. Our Lord heard the word from His Father and told it to us; this is the way that the Good News passes. The word about Father’s love, received and fulfilled by the Son, came to us to bear fruit. And the most important fruit of this received word is not an external action but internal friendship. All the fruitfulness of our apostolate is based on this relationship, because “It is not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain…” On the other side we have its diabolic caricature: gossip; where instead of sharing the Good News, only selective news is spread. We have a choice.

“I call you my friends, says the Lord, for I have made known to you all that the Father has told me.” (Alleluia versus)

Daily Companion

May 22, 2014 12:50 pm

“…the Gentiles would hear the word of the Gospel and believe.” (Acts 15, 7)

Again and again, day after day, daily readings highlight the importance of the word of the Gospel. Sometimes it is “word of the Gospel” like today, sometimes it is “word that I spoke to you”, “my word”, “word of God”, “word of the Lord,” and so on. Always His word.

We are surrounded by words: news, papers, books, conversations, our own internal dialogue. Our Lord asks us to give priority to His word (before even your internal dialogue starts): to read the daily readings, find a word/sentence for you, and let this text guide you; during the day – recall this word/sentence throughout different activities (driving, going from room to room, at the lunch); in the evening – thank your Guide for His presence, help and company.

When we let His word be first in our life, it will be easier for us to believe.

“My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord, I know them, and they follow me.” (Alleluia versus)

To bear fruit

May 21, 2014 1:10 pm

“You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.” (J 15:3)

Pruned to bear more fruit. Pruned because of the word that Our Lord spoke to us. He takes care of my fruit and of me. Between the fruit and me is His word. My role is to take care of the word. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you” (J 15:7). In effect, the Father will be glorified, we will bear much fruit and become His disciples. Everything because of the word that He spoke to me.

“Let my mouth be filled with your praise, that I may sing aloud; my lips shall shout for joy, when I sing to you, alleluia.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Real peace

May 20, 2014 11:44 am

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (J 14:27)

Our Lord’s peace is left for us and given to us. It is not just a gift for us to support us in difficult times.This is His peace. We participate in the same peace He had. We don’t experience it when we accept compromise and agree to do things we don’t really want for the sake of “peace and quiet.” Nor when we force our spouse into doing so. His peace comes when we choose greater, mutual good. With His peace we can stay calm (like water) even in hard times and react with gentleness and respect.

“Sing praise to our God, all you who fear God, both small and great, for now salvation and strength have come, and the power of his Christ, alleluia.” (Entrance Antiphon)

His dwelling in me

May 19, 2014 9:37 am

“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” (J 14, 24)

A very simple way to protect my love for Our Lord: keep His word in my mind, my memory, my daily life. His part is much bigger: Father will love me, They will come to me and make Their dwelling with me. My heart will become His dwelling.

“Not to us, O Lord, but to your name give the glory” (Ps 115)


Why prayer goes first

May 18, 2014 10:31 am

“It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table… we shall devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:2. 4)

Among many ways to serve the others, prayer and the ministry of the word are most important. Especially for us, priests, but not only. All believers are participants in the common priesthood. Putting prayer and God’s word in the first place helps me understand His love for me and my role in this world. Helps me be united with Him.

“I am the true vine and ou are the branches, says the Lord. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plenty, alleluia” (Communion Antiphon).

The whole city

May 17, 2014 11:17 am

“… almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” (Acts 13, 44)

I listen to these words with delight and admiration: “To hear the word of the Lord” and “almost the whole city gathered.” How far our cities are from this? We are more interested to know how many people saw the new movie in its first week in theatres or how to organize ticket for a concert than to gather together to hear the word of the Lord. In His word we can hear about His love, compassion, forgiveness and hope. His word is the Life, the Way and the Truth. Being with Him for a few moments every day means more than we can imagine. And is life-changing.

“If you remain in my word, you will truly by my disciples, and you will know the truth, says the Lord.” (Alleluia versus)

Hearts in trouble

May 16, 2014 4:30 pm

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” (J 14:1)

Hearts in trouble. How often are we in trouble. Our world is falling apart. But we are never alone, Our Lord is always with us. “Have faith in God”. There is no situation in which He is not the Lord, and He will show us the solution. In trouble go to Him. And never allow your heart to forget about His presence in your life.

“Christ our Lord was handed over for our transgressions and was raised again for ou justification, alleluia.” (Communion Antiphon)

Slave and messanger

May 15, 2014 9:13 am

“Amen, amen I say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him” (J 13:16)

A slave and a messenger. A  difficult combination. Totally dependent and at the same moment, as a messenger, so independent. He should take care of the content of his message (faithful), of different audiences (flexible) and of his own development (prayerful) How much depends on Him. But because we are chosen and it wasn’t our idea, we are able to carry out our mission..

“Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, alleluia” (Communion Antiphon)