time for us

March 12, 2012 7:00 am

That’s it. How to take care of our love? Among other ways, by taking care of the time for us. But how is it possible to find that time, if you leave for work at dawn and come back home at dusk? Of course, you are left with the proverbial „5 minutes” in the evening. Unfortunately, after a day that leaves you exhausted and seeking for a fast way to unwind, those 5 minutes are easily – almost automatically – wasted.

And yet I’ve found a way. I started to protect the time for my beloved wife in my heart. It is enough if you direct your thoughts – in the middle of the hustle and bustle – to that person. Even though she’s at some physical distance, she’s also close to your heart. What would all this mean, all our work, efforts, confronting challenges, if we weren’t given the chance to be received by the arms waiting there for us? And those returns home are totally different, if you let yourself “feel” your mutual love, and become conscious of it for a couple of seconds during the day. Such “mental text message” will be received by your wife. Especially if you add your smile, kind word and gesture when you come home. Then it turns out that those 5 minutes that you’re left with at the end of another hard day are far more difficult to waste.

Out of those text messages and unwasted 5 minutes a day, I get, in turn, the strength to save maybe one whole evening a week, or maybe one day a month… that we may have just for us, to nurture our love.


a new device

March 10, 2012 8:20 am

I’ve been down with fever. All I can do is stay in bed in our little son’s room, which serves as an isolation ward whenever a patient needs it. From that bed you can see a large mirror on the wardrobe door, which reflects the window. Aside from the dirty window panes, described earlier, I can contemplate the clouds moving on the blue spring sky.  I’ve been watching this motion picture as if it was a most interesting broadcast. That reminds me of the cartoon by Michael Leunig which I found the other day on FB.

If sky-watching is so beneficial, how about looking up to heaven? How much can be gained by the simple “inactivity” of prayer?


An offer

March 7, 2012 6:00 am

The day starts with a phone call from some Internet company.

– I’m not interested – I reply.

– But why, it really won’t take…

– No, thank you.

 A moment later I find a leaflet about some courses in our post box. Time flies, I’ve got to hurry to work. And there I am greeted by a loan offer from a very insistent bank. As I take care of my customers, I’m being nagged – also on the phone – by a mobile Internet provider. Time passes by very quickly, as usual. I manage to refuse to buy surgical suture. Then I tidy up my mailbox by deleting adverts of watches, pills the name of which I shall leave unsaid, and women’s underwear. I’m ready to go home.

 One leaflet is waiting stuck on the gate, the second one – on the ground and the third one in the post box. They all enable me to go through the shelves of hypermarkets in the vicinity. Quite upset with this obvious anti-ecological attitude, I enter the house, and what do I find on the shoe cupboard? A leaflet, of course! Meaning: the kids managed to collect some of the papers from the path in front of our house. This time I learn how to get a really quick loan and a quick pizza delivery.

I’m enjoying the hearth and home. We’re just having supper together when someone rings:

– Excuse me, am I talking to the owner of the phone line?

– Thank you very much.

– But why, you haven’t even listened…

– I am really not interested, thank you very much.

I think the Reader may imagine the feelings that overwhelm me as I start bathing our playful kids. Afterwards, I hope to have some time to sit together with my wife, when:

– Good evening, I would like to invite you for a presentation of our excellent bedding…

And He is waiting. In each minute of the day, He wants to meet me. But He does not intrude himself on. He is waiting patiently, because He loves me. And He’s not mercenary.
