To prepare for His reception

September 30, 2014 11:40 am

“On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.” (Lk 9: 52 – 53)

We are invited to wait for Our Lord’s visit any time. The Bible says He will come like “thief” which was one of the favorite descriptions for Jesus for St. Therese of Lisieux; she called Jesus the “Divine Thief” and expected Him all the time. We know He will come. What we can do is “prepare for his reception there.” There are many obstacles, but we can find our own way to prepare for His coming.

“Blessed indeed is he who ponders the law of the Lord day and night: he will yield his fruit in due session.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Be of the same mind

September 28, 2014 8:38 am

“If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others.” (Phil 2: 1 – 5)

Whenever I read this text, I think about my Community of consecrated people and married couples. There is only one vocation—to love—and two different ways to realize this vocation: consecration and marriage. We can listen to the same “encouragement in Christ” and think about my sister, my brother or my spouse. We can change our environment by these simple steps: “be of the same mind,” “united,” “humbly regarding others as more important…”

“All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done with true judgment, for we have sinned against you and not obeyed your commandments. But give glory to your name and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Reflecting on them in the heart

September 27, 2014 5:00 am

“But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.” (Lk 9: 45)

This happens also to us: “they did not understand”, “its meaning was hidden from them.” Fortunately, we can use Our Lady’s strategy—“And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” (Lk 2: 19) His every word is dictated by love, so heart is the best place to put Our Lord’s words. “Understanding its meaning” will come, for sure. We are His children, and He will give us everything we need to grow.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me and sent me to preach the good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Who do you say that I am?

September 26, 2014 1:19 pm

“Once when Jesus was praying in solitude, and the disciples were with him, he asked them, ‘Who do the crowds say that I am?’” (Lk 9: 18)

I am among “the crowds,” and I am also asked: “Who do you say that I am?” There is no easy answer for this question. Whatever we say will have consequences in our daily life – and in the lives of my brothers and sisters.

“It is you who have stood by me in trials; and I confer a kingdom on you, says the Lord, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom.” (Communion Antiphon)

Trying to see Him

September 25, 2014 3:55 pm

“ ‘Who then is this about whom I hear such things?’ And he kept trying to see him.” (Lk 9: 9)

Every day Our Lord comes to us in daily readings. We can listen to His words and to His message given so constantly: about His love for you and me. My heart, touched by His love again and again, wants to answer by “trying to see Him”: at the Holy Mass, in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or even with a short visit to the church.

“I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress, I will hear them, and I will be their Lord for ever.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Word of God is a shield

September 24, 2014 10:22 am

“Every word of God is tested; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Add nothing to his words”… (Pro 30: 5-6)

God’s love protects us and our lives in every moment: through our Mother Church herself, through the sacraments, through our daily prayer and through “every word of God”—all of these are our shelters. Among them “the word of God” is given to be a shield for us. We can use His words to protect ourselves when we are under attack of temptation. Think about your main temptation and find in the Bible the proper shield; “take refuge in Him,” trust in His word because we should “add nothing to his words.”

“I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress, I will hear them, and I will be their Lord for ever.” (Entrance Antiphon)

My mother and my brothers

September 23, 2014 10:31 am

“He was told, ‘Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you.’ He said to them in reply, ‘My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.’” (Lk 8: 20-21)

We are connected with people by blood or marriage, by education or profession, by workplace or birthplace, by parish or prayer group and in many other ways. With Our Lord we are also connected in many ways: as God’s children, as participants in His Body and Blood, and incorporated into His Holy Church; by listening to the Word of God and by acting on it. Our Lord is looking for any occasion to make us members of His family – the important ones, like His mother or brother.

“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Take care how you listen

September 22, 2014 10:21 am

“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care, then, how you hear.” (Lk 8: 16-18)

God’s word is for us, for sure, but also for our brothers and sisters. The way we respond to the Word is, therefore, important. Whoever takes care of the word should put it in the proper place in his/her life, use the best time to listen and to prepare himself/herself to receive the most intimate, loving and compassionate message hidden in the word.

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Generous in forgiving

September 21, 2014 8:43 am

“Let the scoundrel forsake his way, and the wicked his thoughts; let him turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving.” (IS 55: 7)

Created by God, we are invited to be with Him for eternity. Part of our life (definitively smaller) is here, on earth. It happens that we forget our destiny where we are invited, but God never does. He is always merciful and generous in forgiving—the only way to bring us back on the path to Heaven.

“I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress, I will hear them, and I will be their Lord for ever.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Generous and good heart

September 20, 2014 11:38 am

“… the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.” (Lk 8: 15)

We are invited to protect  “a generous and good heart” in us Only that kind of heart listens carefully to the word, embraces it and bears fruit. We need also perseverance because every fruit requires time to grow.

“Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.” (Gospel Acclamation)