They were all in one place together

May 15, 2016 12:17 pm

“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” (ACTS 2: 1-4) 

God expects from the Apostles only one thing—“they were all in one place together.” Everything else came from Him: “tongues as of fire, which rest on each one of them” and “filling with the Holy Spirit and speaking in different tongues.” The same happens with family when “they are all in one place together.” God created the Church as a community and marriage, “the domestic Church,” also as a community, and whenever the Holy Spirit comes, it is always to build community. And this is the most unique and prestigious gift of the Holy Spirit—unity and community; it is much more important than all the amazing gifts (like speaking in different tongues) we can receive with His coming.

“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.” (Gospel Acclamation) 

They prayed

May 14, 2016 6:00 am

“So they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias. Then they prayed, ‘You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this apostolic ministry from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.’ Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted with the Eleven Apostles.”

Because the Apostles lost Judas, it was “necessary that one of the men who accompanied us the whole time … become with us a witness to his resurrection,” so they prayed for God’s will—“show which one of these two you have chosen” and—“gave lots to them.” Prayer and the ordination procedure, grace and a good strategy—go together. Oratio and actio, prayer and action, are not in opposition but complement each other.

“I chose you from the world, to go and bear fruit that will last, says the Lord.” (Gospel Acclamation)  

Do you love me more than these

May 13, 2016 6:00 am

“‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?’” Simon Peter answered him, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’” (JN 21: 15) 

All authority in the Church comes first of all from Our Lord, Who is the only One Who chooses us and gives us our role and functions, and second of all, it comes from love. Simon Peter was chosen by Our Lord to be THE Peter, the rock, the supreme shepherd and ruler over the whole flock, and the one who will be responsible for the Church with the other Apostles in the name of Jesus. After Our Lord’s resurrection He asked him only one question—“do you love me more than these”?

“The Holy Spirit will teach you everything and remind you of all I told you.” (Gospel Acclamation) 


Who will believe in me through their word

May 12, 2016 6:00 am


“I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” (JN 17: 20-21)

God’s word given to us brings fruit through the ages. The word started with Our Lord, was given to the Apostles, and came to our days, and with our service will remain until the end of the world. We should be so grateful to all who served His word; we are unworthy to be compared to them, but we also have our mission—“for those who will believe in me through their word.”

“May they all be one as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that the world may believe that you sent me, says the Lord.” (Gospel Acclamation) 

I commend you to God and to that gracious word of his

May 11, 2016 6:00 am


“And now I commend you to God and to that gracious word of his that can build you up and give you the inheritance among all who are consecrated.” (ACTS 20: 32)

Built by God and His word, we can grow as believers and as a community of believers because we are created in His image and likeness, and only as a community of persons, can we realize our identity. The beginning of a community is always the same—through an individual, sincere gift of self, like Our Lord, who offered Himself for us and for our salvation. He “commended us to God” knowing that only He and His word “can build us up and give us the inheritance among all who are consecrated.”

us up and give us the inheritance among all who are consecrated.”

“Your word, O Lord, is truth; consecrate us in the truth.” (Gospel Acclamation) 

They have kept your word

May 10, 2016 6:00 am


“I revealed your name to those whom you gave me out of the world. They belonged to you, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you gave me is from you, because the words you gave to me I have given to them, and they accepted them and truly understood that I came from you, and they have believed that you sent me.” (JN 17: 6-8)

The words from the Father came to us through Our Lord—“the words you gave to me I have given to them.” Our responsibility is to keep His word. With His word we receive the most wonderful benefits: being His own children, being loved forever and being joyful in our expectations of Heaven.

“I will ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always.” (Gospel Acclamation) 


Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?

May 9, 2016 6:00 am


“He (Paul) said to them, ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?’ They answered him, ‘We have never even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.’” (ACTS 19: 2) 

When Paul arrived at Ephesus, he discovered other people, at the same religious stage as Apollos, though they seemed to have considered themselves followers of Christ, not of the Baptist. So he asked one question to be sure about it—“did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers.” Why? Paul knew that the Holy Spirit is “the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.” Without Him we can’t grow.

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” (Gospel Acclamation) 

The new and living way 

May 8, 2016 6:00 am



“Therefore, brothers and sisters, since through the blood of Jesus we have confidence of entrance into the sanctuary by the new and living way he opened for us through the veil, that is, his flesh, and since we have ‘a great priest over the house of God,’ let us approach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy.” (HEB 10: 19-23)

Our Lord not only “sprinkled clean our hearts from an evil conscience,” not only “washed our bodies in pure water,” but also opened for us “entrance into the sanctuary by the new and living way.” He always “gives us hope, for he made the promise trustworthy.” He is always with us, “until the end of the world.”

“Go and teach all nations, says the Lord; I am with you always, until the end of the world.” (Gospel Acclamation) 

The Father himself loves you

May 7, 2016 8:56 pm

“On that day you will ask in my name, and I do not tell you that I will ask the Father for you. For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have come to believe that I came from God. I came from the Father and have come into the world. Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.” (JN 16: 26-28)

God the Father loves His Son, His Son loves His Father and came to tell us about love of the Father for us, and He not only wants to let us know about His Father’s love for us, but also wants us to love His Father like He loves Him. He takes care of our relationship with the Father—“I will not ask the Father for you, for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have come to believe that I came from God.” Now Our Lord’s mission is done—our relationship with the Father is established—and He is “leaving the world and going back to the Father.” But the love of God will stay with us.

“I came from the Father and have come into the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.” 


For I am with you

May 6, 2016 6:00 am


“Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you. No one will attack and harm you, for I have many people in this city.” (ACTS 18: 9-10)

Our Lord takes care of His apostles—“do not be afraid” and of us—“for I have many people in this city.” They need to know the Good News, so Paul was told to—“go on speaking, and do not be silent,” and assured—“no one will attack and harm you.” It is good to remember this whenever we go out as apostles of the Good News. He is always before us with His protection, grace and care.

“Christ had to suffer and to rise from the dead, and so enter into his glory.” (Gospel Acclamation)