About the Family Assistance Foundation

Founded in 1997, the Family Assistance Foundation continually strives to support families and couples in recognizing and developing their unique potential for love and life. The foundation's mission is to inspire creative and authentic relationship building that is based on a solid foundation of family support. Thus, we help parents and couples face today's challenges.
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Our activities cover a wide range of support:

Support in Crisis

We offer assistance to couples and families during difficult times, providing the necessary skills to cope with life's problems.

Education and collaboration

We prepare couples to work with other families, building a community of support and mutual understanding.

Innovation and education

We collaborate with NaProTechnology to support the development of life and love, and create and publish educational materials that contribute to personal, marital and family development.

Join us as a partner

Join us as a partner in running “Programs for Love and Life” courses and help us inspire and support families and couples around the world. We are open to working with professionals who share our mission to strengthen relationships and build strong, healthy communities. Working with us is not only a chance to develop professional competence, but also an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of many people. We invite you to co-create a space where love and mutual understanding come first!

Foundation development path

W ciągu ostatnich trzech lat Fundacja Pomoc Rodzinie zrealizowała trzy kluczowe zadania, które znacząco wpłynęły na rozwój i skalę jej działalności:

Wprowadzenie nowych szkoleń: 

Odpowiadając na potrzeby uczestników oraz opierając się na ich informacjach zwrotnych, Fundacja wdrożyła nowe programy szkoleniowe. Wprowadzone kursy, takie jak "Radość i Nadzieja" dla par na początkowym etapie relacji, "Kompas" skupiający się na 12 obszarach życia dla singli i par, oraz szereg programów rozwoju relacji małżeńskich (programy 4, 5, i 6), pomagają uczestnikom rozwijać swoje umiejętności i potencjał w życiu rodzinnym.

Rozwój skalowalnej struktury:

 Fundacja zrobiła znaczące postępy w międzynarodowej ekspansji dzięki budowie struktur trenerskich w różnych krajach. To pozwoliło na skalowanie programów i przeprowadzanie szkoleń w wielu miejscach na świecie jednocześnie, w tym w Warszawie, Glasgow, Mexico City oraz Bogocie. Działania te przyciągają wybitnych ekspertów, co sprzyja lokalnemu współtworzeniu i propagowaniu programów.

Ekspansja międzynarodowa i nowe relacje:

 Fundacja rozszerzyła swoje działania na nowe kraje i regiony, w tym Brazylia, Argentyna, Chile, Paragwaj, a także nowe ośrodki w Stanach Zjednoczonych (Kalifornia i Teksas) oraz w Meksyku (Monterey i Vera Cruz). Dodatkowo, programy te integrują społeczności polonijne, działając na trzech kontynentach i umacniając więzi z Polonią na całym świecie.

Par skorzystało z programu

Lat doświadczenia w prowadzeniu kursów.



Support in developing relationships

The courses offer tools and knowledge to help couples build strong, healthy marital relationships and address the daily challenges of family life.

Adaptation to different needs

Programs are tailored to different life stages and needs of participants.

Based on a solid foundation

The courses are based on the teachings of St. John Paul II, integrating theology, philosophy and anthropology into the practical aspects of marriage and family life.

Global reach and multilingualism

The programs are available in many countries and in different languages (Polish, English, German, Spanish), making the courses accessible to a wide global audience.

Support in developing relationships

The courses offer tools and knowledge to help couples build strong, healthy marital relationships and address the daily challenges of family life.

Personal and professional development

The courses place a strong emphasis on the personal development of participants, offering tools for self-development and future planning in many aspects of life

Professional teaching materials

Participants receive professionally prepared materials that facilitate the process and provide a valuable resource for further development after the course.

Flexible forms of participation

The courses offer a variety of participation formats, from one-day workshops to intensive week-long courses, as well as plans to develop a digital platform for online learning.

How to get started?

Literally 4 steps divide to change your life and your relationships.

First Step

Choose the perfect course for you.

Second Step

Make a fast payment through a secure connection. Your data is protected - we provide 100% security.

Third Step

After purchasing the course, you will receive an email with access to your account.

Fourth Step

Watch wherever you are and whenever you want. Our platform is available on all mobile devices.
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