Today’s Gospel is a very long story of the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
We could feel tired of listening to so many names. We know that this is the Gospel, Good News about our salvation, but … maybe a shorter version would be enough. Where is hidden the Good News for us and our salvation in these names?
When we listen carefully to this genealogy, we can find four names which shouldn’t be mentioned: female names. This is odd. Jewish genealogy doesn’t cover female names. And whats more: three of these names are not Jewish: Tamar, Rahab and Ruth were pagans.
Jesus Christ invited pagan women to His family. He wants to have all people in His family. Salvation is universal.
If you think that you are nobody, nothing special, just a poor, weak sinner, remember that He came to the poor, the weak and the sinners and in times, when women didn’t count He put their names into His genealogy to remind you and to protect your presence in His family forever.
Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak