Unfortunately, not all the couples were able to stay till the very end of the retreat, but those who managed, gathered in Christ the King Chapel to participate in the Holy Mass and renew their marriage vows. And that was an unusual experience.
Afterwards, there was the time for the Participants to share the things they discovered during the Program, their greatest joys and what they remembered most.
I remembered most that the couples liked very much my praying aloud for each of them, just before the Mass, “in tongues”, as they put it, and to be specific, in just one language, namely Polish. But for them it sounded absolutely mysterious and unearthly. 🙂 It turns out that even Polish language can be a foreign language. So it’s not so bad with the Poles, as we are able to use at least one foreign language. 😉
And seriously, I’m the happiest man in the world, because I was able to see the miracles of God’s grace. God never ceases to care for married couples – whom He called to life granting His own grace.
Praise be to Him forever.
With most sincere prayer for all of You
Fr. Jay
Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak