On the way

May 4, 2012 6:30 am

I wrote the other day about waiting for the Easter Sunday. That great festive day is gone. But I’m still as if waiting for my own, small Easter Sunday, linked with my present experience.

I arrived at the conclusion that this is not so, though. That day has come, it’s happening now. I haven’t noticed it yet. A bit like the Apostles. Disoriented, scared, they dispersed and got back to their everyday chores. And the Lord had risen from the dead! Only after they’d met Jesus, did they understand.

I don’t want to stay motionless and wait I don’t know for what. Even though it’s difficult, I want to move on in my life, day by day.

Maybe I’ll meet Him on the way… like the Apostles on their way to Emmaus? Maybe He’ll surprise me, as He did for Mary Magdalene at the tomb? Maybe I’ll meet Him at work, as the disciples while they were fishing? Maybe He’ll have a meal with me? Maybe the community will be the meeting place, as when He came to the Apostles? Maybe He’ll help me overcome my unbelief, as He helped Thomas when He let him touch His wounds?

He’s already waiting for me in all those situations and places. And in hundreds of others. So it’s time I was going. I want to be there. With Him.


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