Love and Life Programs abroad

April 1, 2015 7:54 pm

We are happy that our Centers are also growing abroad: the largest of them are in Omaha, Nebraska, USA (at the Pope Paul VI Institute, founded by Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, the originator of NaProTechnology); Belgium; Mexico City and Glasgow, Scotland. In Omaha we are greatly supported by the PPVII staff and by Fr. Michael Voithoffer, who runs the monthly follow-up meetings with couples. We are hoping to start cooperation with the priests from Hastings (Nebraska) where the Program will be presented at the beginning of May 2015. Also in May 2015, Bogota (Colombia) will host their first “I+YOU=WE” Program.

Also in May of this year we’re planning a Program in Austria, which has been kept waiting for a long time since the first edition of “I+YOU=WE” for German speaking couples was developed.

To organize our Programs abroad we need a huge amount of translation work. In 2013 Małgorzata Rybak translated Program 2: WE+FAMILY into English, and in 2014 Agnieszka Buczkowska from the Belgium FamilyCare Center translated the Program for Fiancées. The English version of Program 3 is being prepared. All the time we need to translate promotional and information materials, coach training outlines and many other things.



Categorised in: The Family Support Foundation