Leave it for this year also

March 24, 2019 6:00 am

“There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none, he said to the gardener, ‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?’ He said to him in reply, ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.’” (LK 13: 6-9)

We do not have a future. We do not have a past. We have a present time. We have this year, this month, this week, this day and this Lent for making our lives significant, important and worthy. The only way to do it is to be connected with Our Lord and love Him and others. Love is the only fruit God expects from us.

“Repent, says the Lord; the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Gospel Acclamation)

Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak