Holy Saturday

April 7, 2012 6:06 am

I’ve seen a film* in which suffering and evil was compared to an embroidery, but the one seen from below. The tangle of multicolored threads does not give you even the slightest idea of the beautiful picture you’d see from the other side.

Wasn’t it a piece of such embroidery “seen from below” that the apostles were looking at – crushed by the events of the Good Friday? Our “Holy” Saturday for them was the time filled with darkness, nonsense and painful incomprehension.

I would love to grasp the meaning of everything that happens around me. I experience fascination and disgust, beauty and ugliness, love and rejection, joy and suffering. Day after day. Whenever I think I’m beginning to understand, all my enlightenment comes to nothing in the next moment.

But it is God who is the embroiderer. He gets the proper picture. He knows the point of this all, because He arranges the threads of life. All I can do is accept today’s „now”, let Him lead me. I won’t be able to grasp the full meaning. His perspective is unknown to me. All I can do is to find the sense in Him. When I trust the Master, I’ll be able to help create the work.

And in the end, this is what I want: not to disturb the creation of this part of the masterpiece of Love which has been assigned to me.


*Padre Pio, directed by Carlo Carlei
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