greatly displeased that God did not carry out the evil

October 9, 2019 1:31 pm

“Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry that God did not carry out the evil he threatened against Nineveh.” (JON 4: 1-2)

It sounds crazy, but we will use God to achieve our plans if we only could. This is a main problem with today’s civilization—is utilitarian. We are used and we use others. When we look for spouses we look for somebody who can make us happy; when our relationship is in crisis we look for divorce and new partners, because we have right to be happy, etc. Fortunately God knows better and can protect us even before ourselves.

“You have received a spirit of adoption as sons through which we cry: Abba! Father!” (Gospel Acclamation)

Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak