from hospital ward

July 6, 2012 9:51 am

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” (Matthew 9:12)

Since yesterday morning I’ve been with our youngest sonny in hospital, as we’ve been fighting for three days now with his fever and diarrhea. And indeed, we do need a doctor now. So that our fighting with the disease could be effective. And there are so many like us here. The doctors are competent, but the lack of improvement becomes irritating.

I’d like to ask you, Lord, for those who chose the doctor’s profession, so that they may have some of your concern and compassion, some of your willingness to give a helping hand to the ones who are not doing fine. And I’m asking you for the sick – so that they never run out of hope and trust in the hardships of their illnesses.

We’re all so often Your patients in need.


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