From an EP participant

September 12, 2012 11:13 am

I’ve been to many conferences. In some of them – even several hundred participants took part. The speakers came from all over the world. But there is something in the Education Program here which definitely makes a difference. We’ve come here to acquire some knowledge, of course. But we are united by the fact that we want to use this knowledge for something bigger than just ourselves. We would like to build a better world. The world in which problems are never sold at the cost of another human being.

Nobody feels more important than another in that process. The Head of Gynecology Ward from one of the hospitals is eager to share his experience with me. Another doctor approaches me to ask where my medical practice is. And, as usual, it ends with an outburst of laughter. I have to admit that most of my interlocutors have problems with the “VMD” before my name on the badge: Veterinary Medical Doctor. The other doctors have just MD! When I give them explanation, we laugh together.

I’ll repeat after Father J: we’re asking for your support.



Categorised in: Michał