Just a little bit

January 24, 2013 7:26 pm

Because of the crowd he told his disciples to have a small boat ready for him, to keep the people from crowding him (Mark 3:9)

It’s quite clear that the New Year has worn off a bit already. There are not fewer duties, but more, I’d say. There are new commitments to accept and new projects to realise, both at work and at home.  And I’m just waiting for someone to appreciate me, or even more- to understand my intentions. Just a bit of vanity.

A little, teeny-weeny bit.

There’s only one “but”. Jesus warns me against it today. He shows that once he’d helped everyone at the lake, He was prepared to leave immediately. He did not stay to listen to appreciation and to succumb to the euphoria of the crowd. That was not what He came for.

Can I do it like that?

I must confess that not, really.


knock, knock

January 1, 2013 11:05 am

Good morning!

It’s now!

It’s already here!

The New Year!

Indeed, it sneaked in awkwardly between Monday and Tuesday. Some greeted it with fireworks, dances and toasts ;), and some – with prayer. 🙂

In our home we even prepared a special place for it – on the wall! In place of the old calendar, of course.

Even though I don’t know what this year will bring, I’m looking forward to it. And I’m happy it’s come, becuase today the Lord blesses us so aboundantly! With such a blessing you can move the mountains. 🙂

May the Lord bless you
    and keep you;
May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and show you His favour;
May he Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.

So they will put My name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

(Numbers 6:24-27)


The magic od Christmas or AMDG?

December 19, 2012 1:59 pm

I know what this famous magic of Christmas is all about!

It is about feeling in a shop the force of marketing and losing control over the contents of one’s wallet (that are increasingly more modest, oops).

Luckily, yesterday Saint Ignatius of Loyola, presented to chidren during the Rorate mass, helped me. He encourages to do everything  AMDG (ad maiorem Dei gloriam łac. – for the greater glory of God)!

And to concentrate our preperations for Christmas on this aspect, so as not to lose in our shopping and cooking (all the things that have to be cooked) what is most important. So that we have enough faith, like Zacharias (Luke 1: 5-25) in who we are waiting for!

„I will praise you, Lord” (Psalm 71) in all I do. Also in the preparations for Christmas.

And I wish the same to you today and in the coming days. 😉




The magic od Christmas or AMDG?

December 19, 2012 10:11 am
I know what this famous magic of Christmas is all about!
It is about feeling in a shop the force of marketing and losing control over the contents of one’s wallet (that are increasingly more modest, oops).
Luckily, yesterday Saint Ignatius of Loyola, presented to chidren during the Rorate mass, helped me. He encourages to do everything  AMDG (ad maiorem Dei gloriam łac. – for the greater glory of God)!
And to concentrate our preperations for Christmas on this aspect, so as not to lose in our shopping and cooking (all the things that have to be cooked) what is most important. So that we have enough faith, like Zacharias (Luke 1: 5-25) in who we are waiting for!
„I will praise you, Lord” (Psalm 71) in all I do. Also in the preparations for Christmas.
And I wish the same to you today and in the coming days. ;)


December 10, 2012 1:57 am

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus’.(Luke 5:18)

Not a long time ago, when my Mother-in law was to stay with us, I was paralysed myself with my fear, reluctance and prejudices.

Luckily, I was surrounded by friends who carried me in their hearts before Jesus and He healed me.

It is for me a great privilege when I can help someone, when I can carry someone in my heart before His throne and give him to the King who will heal, not only what is visible but also what is hidden to the eyes.

It is good to have friends in the community of the church. They will care for us when we ourselves are unable to get before the face of the Lord.



Who needs Saint Nicolas?

December 6, 2012 10:03 pm

It is children who wait for Him most. It’s obvious, after all he always brings what they dream about at the moment. So children ask for teddy bears, computers, skis and sweets. He was always attentive to people’s needs- and he helped. In a special, very discreet way,  secretly.

Saint Nicholas is unique because he is attentive not only to children’s needs, We, adults, can also ask him for many things. He will ask on our behalf. He listens to our needs, as well. If he cares for the requests of children, he is not indifferent to ours, neither.

And if we, adults, help Saint Nicholas to fulfil the dreams of our children, as much as we can, how much more our Father will help him to fulfil our needs.

And what’s most beautiful is that he hasn’t patented his way of doing and he lets us copy his best practices.

Mikołaj 2010To bring joy to the others in a discrete fashion – and here we not only mean just buying material gifts but also a good word, some kindness. If we give in this way, we receive at the same time, and this is a true miracle, a double one.


[On the photo we can see Dosia’s husband in the role we all know well 😉  – Note from the Editors]


November 30, 2012 6:17 pm

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4,19)

I used to think that these words were addressed solely to young people who take their important life choices and find their vocation to consecrated life. But is that really so? I have also decided to follow him.

I was surprised when I discovered,, as a young wife, how much this urge to follow Jesus influenced my marriage.

I was also surprised when I discovered, as a young mother, how much my will and our will as parents to follow Jesus influenced our relations with children. How much the faithfulness in this decision helped us in this difficult process.

I never stop marvelling at how demanding it is in professional life and also – how often it s put to the test. How often it is assessed and checked. How often the temptation comes to just quit and hide.

I do not know whether my following Jesus has brought about a big catch. Not really, but I would like it to be a clear testimony.

And I wish you the same!


over the time

September 25, 2012 9:59 am

He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” (Luke 8:21)

To be Jesus’s sister. Incredible dignity.

So little is necessary – to hear and put into practice.

But this is not so easy. How can I receive His word  and put it into practice in the reality of this very day?

When Jesus announces to the crowd who actually His mother and brothers are, in a way He tells His family to wait. Because if we hear His Word and accept it, it will change us over the time. Over the time.



September 20, 2012 11:00 am

When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner. (Luke 7:39)

So often I happen to label other people. My labels are totally unjust, but so huge that I begin believing they’re true. But actually, they would just as well suit me.

Thank you, Jesus, that you look at me and the others in a completely different way. That “by the grace of God I am what I am,” and may “His grace to me be not without effect.”(1Corinthians 15:10)


from hospital ward

July 6, 2012 9:51 am

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” (Matthew 9:12)

Since yesterday morning I’ve been with our youngest sonny in hospital, as we’ve been fighting for three days now with his fever and diarrhea. And indeed, we do need a doctor now. So that our fighting with the disease could be effective. And there are so many like us here. The doctors are competent, but the lack of improvement becomes irritating.

I’d like to ask you, Lord, for those who chose the doctor’s profession, so that they may have some of your concern and compassion, some of your willingness to give a helping hand to the ones who are not doing fine. And I’m asking you for the sick – so that they never run out of hope and trust in the hardships of their illnesses.

We’re all so often Your patients in need.
