In spite of everything

August 17, 2013 9:41 pm

Although we experience the height of the summer, long holidays unfortunately are not for everybody and we have always too few days of annual leave. What is more, after the leave we have not less but more to do. We run, followed by reality, and in everyday life kindness and friendliness are not very frequent. So sometimes weariness and dispiritedness follow, because perheps it is not worth trying after all?

But regardless of the situation, regardless of the mood and the situation, we should repeat the words of the psalm:
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken..” (Psalms 16:8)
Before Him, before His face, I am really myself. Before Him I will always find out the truth about myself. I sahll acquire confidence and trust. With Him t is easier to fulfil all obligations. I can always count on His support and He will always encourage me to do what is good and beautiful.

With Him I can always start from the beginning. In spite of everything.


Blessing for everyone

August 5, 2013 7:37 am

A retreat in a seaside tourist spot are very different from the silence of the House of the Holy Family in Wisełka.

For example because we haven’t got here our own chapel but we use the church in Trzęsacz. “Our” Holy Masses and Adorations are then attended by other people. People coming alone are quiet – they come to draw from the grace. But it happened also that a group of sumer campers went into the church to visit it. In one moment several dozen people approached the altar and obscured the monstrance with Jesus.

The group was not very much interested in the Holy Sacrament but in the altar, that happens to be very interesting, so they didn;t show much respect for Jesus hidden in the white Host.

I thought then that it is not so obvious at all that if you come to the sdoration, you will actually see the Lord because even if we devote our time for this meeting, other people can disturb. And not only other people, we may be also distracted by our own thoughts.

The group quickly left the church. Some people bowed to Jesus. And in theis moment I felt joy because they could have come in any different moment and yet they chose the time when Jesus was there.

And His blessing flowed upon them although they didn’t expect it.
Greetings from Trzęsacz,



July 31, 2013 7:55 am

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. ( Matthew 13: 46)

A lot of time passed since we met at the last programme, Programme 4 (ME + God). We meet in precisely the same group so we know each other a little, although each family comes from a different place.

When we shared our experiences, it was easy to see that each one of us, when coping with the difficulties of the previous year, felt relief when surrendering all of them to God and letting Him lead. Although this is costly and sometimes requires a lot of effort. But the awareness of the pearl of great value, the Kingdom of Heaven, is worth this effort.
Greetings from Trzęsacz, from Programme 5: WE + God 🙂


The lighthouse

July 19, 2013 3:30 pm

“What are lighthouses for?”, I ask our children when we try to reach the top of the  Lyngvig Fyr lighthouse.
“To warn the ships that they come near the land.”
“To show the way!”

“The lighthouse does not move so that the ships that get lost can choose their way again when they see it.”
I must say I have liked these answers very much.
And then the light coming from Christ came to mind, the light that warns against the danger and shows the way. It shines always strongly, so that regardless of how muddled and winding our life paths become, we can find our way again. The way to Him!
Greetings from the top of the lighthouse,



To love unselfishly

April 10, 2013 8:06 am

Jesus said to Nicodemus “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ” (John 3:16)

I remember being moved very much by those words when I was young ;) . I was getting to know Jesus at that time. I felt so important and chosen and loved so much. Unselfishly and unconditionally.  Simply because I am!

In this way Jesus showed me how I should love another.
Not because they’re nice to me, not because they can do something for me and have good contacts, bot because they’re beautiful but because they are.
Since then I’ve been asking myself fairly often:
Am I able to love unselfishly?

At the table

April 4, 2013 4:33 pm

 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.(Luke 24: 41-43)

The disciples were not left to themselves. But they must have been emotionally upset by the events of the recent days. And when Jesus appears to them as risen, they do not believe in who they see, even when they can touch Him. Only a meal with Him puts them at peace so that the Lord opens their minds and explains the Scriptures.

A blessed time at the table.

In our Family not always are we able to eat together. However, when it happens it turns out that it is a very important moment. At the table we are closer to each other and there is an opportunity for a conversation. Sometimes it is serious and sometime full of humour. During a meal together we can ask each other questions and explain many difficult things, especially when we invite Jesus, too.

A blessed time at the table.

Thank you, Jesus, that you do not us alone now but that you invite us to Your table, that You are present there so that we can touch You and that You constantly and very patiently explain the Scriptures to us.

Thank you for this blessed time at Your table.


My name

April 2, 2013 7:51 pm

Jesus said to her, “Mary.” (John 20:16a)

I am always enchanted with the the story of Mary at Jesus’ tomb, Mary, who was looking for the Lord, and He wanted her to recognise Him as living.

And what if I were at her place? If I had gone to Jesus’ tomb  and hadn’t found Him there? If I’d been told that I sought him in vain among the dead, that he’d risen?

Mary recognised the risen Lord when He called her by name, even though she didn’t see Him yet. She believed when she heard His voice.

And how many times Jesus called me by name?

The first time – when I was baptised; at every Eucharist; every day when He comes to me with His word.

Jesus, let me always see You with the eyes of faith, when You call me by name which you’ve always known. 


A riposte

March 20, 2013 7:51 pm

 “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(J 8:31)

Unfortunately, sometimes we quarrel with each other. Even recently. And at the end; a riposte to the Husband. So that I got the upper hand. Perhaps many people would praise me for it and give me a “like”.

But in my heart of hearts U yearn for understanding, acceptance and closeness. I cannot obtain them by means of weapons. A riposte will not get me a sweet fruit of kindness. More likely, it will bring about self-defence.

With Jesus I can see what is underneath a grudge. Perhaps a fear of losing something, a fear about oneself. He is not afraid to look with me at the truth about. me. He can show me what truth about myself I can show to the other and how I should accept his deepest truth about himself: about his desires, dreams, needs etc. Jesus never stops believing in me and shows me that I can always be a gift to someone, even if I am weak.


  and Małgosia,

the masters of riposte

Ski school

February 1, 2013 8:07 pm
I m truly delighted when I observe our children who’s been learning to ski for three days.

The instructor, an experienced man, knows how to help them. He encourages, shows, corrects, praises. And I am so astounded that only yesterday they had no idea how to balance their bodies, how to turn and stop. Today they go ski on their own. :)

They trusted us and the instructor. Now they know it was worth listening to us.

 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how (Mark 4: 26-27).

Please, Lord, give me the patience and trust so that I can accept your ways and allow Your word grow in me.


When we fear…

January 29, 2013 4:16 pm

I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry (Psalms 40:1)

When we fear, we turn to God.

Certainly we do.

Although sometimes we need some more patience because the solutions of God are different from the ones we plan and they come at a different time.

When everything in human terms looks hopeless and our capacities come to an end but we still trust that He has a solution –  then we can see Him turning to us – because only then do we give Him the chance to act.
