build together

July 3, 2019 6:00 am

“Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord; in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (EPH 2: 21-22)

God created man and woman to be united, to be “a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” When we protect our time to be together and when we keep our rituals, we consciously cooperate with Our Lord, through Whom “the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord.” Our small rituals could have outstanding consequences, revealing the infinite value in our small deeds.

“You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me, says the Lord; blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe!” (Gospel Acclamations)

Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak