Born from above

April 29, 2014 10:59 am

“You must be born from above.” (Jn 3:7)

An everyday invitation. Once born, we should be born again “from above.” To change our perspective: from my point of view into the point of view from “from above;” to change our relations: from “expectations” to “gift of self”; to change our work: from “I have to work” to “I’d like to share and serve”; to change our prayer: from “change my life for better, now” to “help me understand my role” and from “I-need-it” to “thank-You”.

“If we walk in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of his Son Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, alleluia.” (Communion Antiphon)

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Categorised in: Fr Jarosław Szymczak